Pin-up Girl

Podczas ferii wybraliśmy się na południe Polski. Czas trochę pozwiedzać rodzinny kraj. Plany na zwiedzanie były inne, jednak spontaniczność zwyciężyła. Bo jak tu się nie oprzeć wielkiemu napisowi “Żubry zapraszają”.
During the spring break, we went to the south of Poland. It’s time to explore a little the home country. The sightseeing plans were different, but the spontaneity won. Because how can you not resist the sign “Bisons invite you”.
The 103rd anniversary of Polish Independence from Russian, German and Austro-Hungarian occupation. Like always, there was a march and lots of other things.
I went outside a little upset. There were a lot of clouds and I was afraid I will miss the whole eclipse. Then I realized that clouds are a natural screen !!!
I like the images a lot. They are different than typical solar eclipse photographs.
This year in Poland there is a real winter. Snowy, cold, and beautiful – it is an art in itself.
I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says, “Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again.”
Lewis Carroll “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”
Bywa, nie bywa, ale się zdarzyło – pandemia coronavirusa. Jakoś to trzeba przeżyć. Na początku było zamieszanie. Ludzie jednak sami się organizują i tak też było w przypadku szkół w Polsce.
Continue reading “Edukacja pod Coronavirusem”On Friday, February 28, the Way of the Cross passed through the streets of the New and Old Town of Warsaw, led by Cardinal Wyszyński. Thanks to the original audio recordings, it was possible to consider individual stations by listening to his voice.
On November 11th, 2019, Poland celebrated her 101st anniversary of independence from Russia, German and Austro-Hungarian, after 123 years. As Independence Day is for everybody so, everyone could find something interesting from traditional dances through classic cars to the Independence March.
On November 11, the Poles celebrated the hundredth anniversary of regaining Independence after 123 years of Russian, German and Austro-Hungarian annexation. On this occasion many events took place. In my report, I present images from four of them: