If you ever wonder if your Grandpa is having a good time in Spain. Isn’t he missing Ireland too much? Here are some tips that might be useful.
This is how Irish people celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day in Spain. Maybe next year you will join them.
If you ever wonder if your Grandpa is having a good time in Spain. Isn’t he missing Ireland too much? Here are some tips that might be useful.
This is how Irish people celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day in Spain. Maybe next year you will join them.
You would expect that in the middle of the carnival fiesta all bars and restaurants are full of people having fun, talking, laughing, drinking, dancing etc., especially in tourist places. Well, it is off-season time.
In my previous post, I showed photos from the carnival parade. Now I want to show how the bars, restaurants, streets looked like at the time when a parade of happy dancers was passing by.
Carnival – ignites our imagination as soon as we think of places like Rio de Janeiro or Venice. But parades and events take place in almost all the cities in the southern, Catholic countries. The hundreds of dressed-up dancers, swinging their hips to the rhythm of the music, march through the small and big cities, and crowds of spectators look at them with delight. We also had a parade …
Karnawał – rozpala naszą wyobraźnie jak tylko pomyślimy o takich miejscach jak Rio de Janeiro czy Wenecja. Ale parady i zabywy odbywają się w zasadzie wszystkie miejscowości w południowych, katolickich krajach. Pochody poprzebieranych tancerzy, kołysząc biodrami w rytm muzyki, przemierzają małe i duże miasta, a tłumy gapiów przyglądają się im z zachwytem. U nas też była parada…