Invasion of New

PL: Dublin, Irlandia. Moją uwagę zwróciło przenikanie się starego i nowego budownictwa. Ceglane, stare domy gubią się gdzieś pomiędzy zimnymi metalowo-szklanymi konstrukcjami. A wszystko utrzymane w irlandzkich kolorach.

EN: Dublin, Ireland. What caught my attention was the intertwining of old and new. Old brick buildings get lost somewhere between cold metal and glass structures. And everything decorated in Irish colors.

Julia Chodor Chodorowska
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Krajobrazy Kontrastów / Landscapes of Contrasts

PL: Mieszkamy w Warszawie całe życie, ale to nie oznacza, że znamy każdy zakątek, wszystkie tajemnice i sekrety tego miejsca. Miasto pełne kontrastów. Stare łączy się z nowym. Strzeliste wieżowce przeplatają się ze starymi kamienicami, fabrykami i PRLowską zabudową. Stolica Polski rozwija się prężnie, ale ma też swoją ciekawą przeszłość, którą postanowiliśmy odkryć na wspólnym spacerze ze Złomnikiem ( Niezależnie czy jesteś z Warszawy czy z innego miejsca na pewno dowiesz się czegoś nowego.

EN: We have lived in Warsaw all our lives, but this does not mean that we know every corner, all the mysteries and secrets of this place. The city is full of contrasts. The old mixes with the new. Glass skyscrapers intertwine with old tenement houses, factories and communist buildings. The capital of Poland is developing dynamically but it also has an interesting past, which we decided to discover on a joint walk with Złomnik ( Regardless of whether you are from Warsaw or from another place, you will definitely learn something new

Brzydka strona Warszawy, The ugly side of Warsaw. Photo: Julia Chodor
Warszawa jest prężnie rozwijajacym się miastem, ale jeszcze gdzieniegdzie zostały stare śmieci. / Warsaw is a dynamically developing city, but there are still old garbage left here and there. Photo: Julia Chodor
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I would like to dedicate this post to my Grandpa who, if he had been among us would have been 100 years old on this day.

I miss him a lot. He was a wonderful man.

I went for a walk on December 27. First day after the Christmas holiday and last day before covid lockdown. I wasn’t the only one who had the idea to visit Warsaw Old Town. There were a lot of people. At some point, it shows the power of people that we don’t realize. All the people came to Old Town individually or with families. In the end, the place was crowded. Lots of individuals with the same goal – that’s the power. You don’t need protests. You need people who will all have the same desire for something.

documentary photography, social photography, Julia Chodor Photography
Photo: Julia Chodor
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8:00 pm – party time

You would expect that in the middle of the carnival fiesta all bars and restaurants are full of people having fun, talking, laughing, drinking, dancing etc., especially in tourist places. Well, it is off-season time.

In my previous post, I showed photos from the carnival parade. Now I want to show how the bars, restaurants, streets looked like at the time when a parade of happy dancers was passing by.

Julia Chodor Chodorowska
Empty. Photo: Julia Chodor

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