PL: Dublin, Irlandia. Moją uwagę zwróciło przenikanie się starego i nowego budownictwa. Ceglane, stare domy gubią się gdzieś pomiędzy zimnymi metalowo-szklanymi konstrukcjami. A wszystko utrzymane w irlandzkich kolorach.
EN: Dublin, Ireland. What caught my attention was the intertwining of old and new. Old brick buildings get lost somewhere between cold metal and glass structures. And everything decorated in Irish colors.
PL: Mieszkamy w Warszawie całe życie, ale to nie oznacza, że znamy każdy zakątek, wszystkie tajemnice i sekrety tego miejsca. Miasto pełne kontrastów. Stare łączy się z nowym. Strzeliste wieżowce przeplatają się ze starymi kamienicami, fabrykami i PRLowską zabudową. Stolica Polski rozwija się prężnie, ale ma też swoją ciekawą przeszłość, którą postanowiliśmy odkryć na wspólnym spacerze ze Złomnikiem ( Niezależnie czy jesteś z Warszawy czy z innego miejsca na pewno dowiesz się czegoś nowego.
EN: We have lived in Warsaw all our lives, but this does not mean that we know every corner, all the mysteries and secrets of this place. The city is full of contrasts. The old mixes with the new. Glass skyscrapers intertwine with old tenement houses, factories and communist buildings. The capital of Poland is developing dynamically but it also has an interesting past, which we decided to discover on a joint walk with Złomnik ( Regardless of whether you are from Warsaw or from another place, you will definitely learn something new
We live in a nice, calm neighborhood. What I really love about the area are… buildings. They are all more or less the same size, 3-storage, but everyone is unique, I guess there is no two exactly the same houses in Kuwait – and this variety is beautiful. This picture of lovely streets is enriched by the cars parked up front – most of the time they are typical American SUV, but I also found, Porshe, Ferrari, and Lamborghini. Yes, a Lamborghini, standing in a front of the house for the whole night and nobody steals it – yeah, I know it is amazing, it could not happen in Poland.
It is amazing, that nobody steals things. You can leave your new iPad on a table in a coffee shop, come back two days later and it will be still there, where you left it. Culture is one thing, but I also think that people here are just too rich to steal.
And yes, another incredible thing, people who live in a non-democratic country can be rich. We have always been taught, that only in 100% democracy people can be rich. I just guess we have not been told exactly which people.