Dublin, Ireland

PL: Tydzień w Irlandii. Uważam się za szczęściarza, bo tylko czasami padało 🙂 Uwielbiam włóczyć się po ulicach i robić zdjęcia. Dokumentować to, co widzę. Brzmi trochę jak strata czasu, ale fotografująć zawsze mam nadzieję, że za sto lat ktoś spojrzy na zdjęcie i powie: „Wow, ludzie nosili takie dziwne ubrania” albo „Ta restauracja nadal tu jest”.

EN: A week in Ireland. I consider myself lucky because it wasn’t raining all the time 🙂 One of my favorite thing is just to walk the streets and take photos. Document what I see. Sounds like a waste of time but I always hope that in a hundred years, somebody will look at the images and say: “Wow, people wore so strange clothes” or “This restaurant is still here

fotografia dokumentalna, documentary photography, Dublin, Irlandia, Photo: Julia Chodor
Dublin, Ireland. Photo: Julia Chodor
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I would like to dedicate this post to my Grandpa who, if he had been among us would have been 100 years old on this day.

I miss him a lot. He was a wonderful man.

I went for a walk on December 27. First day after the Christmas holiday and last day before covid lockdown. I wasn’t the only one who had the idea to visit Warsaw Old Town. There were a lot of people. At some point, it shows the power of people that we don’t realize. All the people came to Old Town individually or with families. In the end, the place was crowded. Lots of individuals with the same goal – that’s the power. You don’t need protests. You need people who will all have the same desire for something.

documentary photography, social photography, Julia Chodor Photography
Photo: Julia Chodor
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